How to Clean Your PUMA Suedes

Suedes are just amazing! Why not when it’s made out of a high-quality form of leather and has a smooth surface? However, people tend to avoid suede futsal shoes in Malaysia because it needs a bit of extra work to take care of it, but I assure you that it is nothing extreme! Contrary to the belief that suedes are challenging to clean, they can be quite easy to maintain.


PUMA has one of the best suedes you can find. Hence, here are some tips on how to clean your PUMA suedes:

Vinegar and alcohol is the right method

Avoid water-based cleaning methods and opt for vinegar and alcohol, as water-based products will ruin your suedes more. White vinegar or rubbing alcohol works very well – pour some of either two on a washcloth (only a tiny amount), rub it on the stain, and let it completely dry. Once dry, use a suede brush to remove the grime.

Suede brush is your best friend

A suede brush helps to keep your suede shoes looking good to prevent the grains from becoming scraggly; it needs to be brushed once in a while. To use the brush, stained areas should be brushed lightly in a single direction as the dirt or stain is easier to remove. If you don’t have a suede brush, a clean toothbrush or nail brush works well too!

Rubber/Eraser helps with dirt

Yes, your rubber does work wonders with suedes! It is better if you have the rubber, especially for suedes, but the ones in your pencil case work the same. Don’t be hesitant to assert pressure when you rub the stains and continue rubbing until the stain is removed. A friendly reminder, it will take time and can be a bit messy.

Suede protectant spray to finish

Before wearing your shoes outside, make sure that you apply suede protectant spray according to the directions given. It helps prevent your shoes from being stained by dirt and water while playing sports and makes your suedes easier to clean.

PUMA Suedes as your top choice

For girls or women who want to look trendy, PUMA suedes are the perfect option for you. From various designs, colours and sizes, PUMA shoes are available on their website or at their store for you to choose from. Get yours now!